Running for two: Balancing motherhood with marathon training to cross the finish line

日期: 周一,27th 2023年3月

Callee Torrey刚刚完成了26.2 miles at the Flagstaff Marathon greeted by Fiancée Bobby and baby Pax at the finish line. 


Flagstaff, Az 妈妈, 心理健康倡导者, 他自称是复古策展人, 凯丽·托里对杂耍艺术并不陌生. 这位妈妈现在可以在她的头衔上加上马拉松运动员了. 更令人印象深刻的是,运行26.2 miles for the first time all the while having to balance breastfeeding her baby. 她真的停在了13英里处.1 to breastfeed her baby and still managed a respectable time of (6:02) hours. 她势不可挡. This month’s HERstory is a celebration of motherhood and a testament to the strength and resilience of women.


弗拉格斯塔夫马拉松以其高海拔而闻名(从8点开始),000ft), 高度增益(2,400ft),  毫无疑问,这是西南地区最艰难的马拉松之一. It draws runners from all over the world willing to tough it out running through golden aspen forests and the scenic mountains of Northern Arizona.


这就是Callee Torrey的魅力所在, 32, 流动的泉水, California to the race; having previously lived in Flagstaff she was she was excited to be reunited with old friends and make new memories doing something she had never done before, 跑马拉松.


 “I underwent a huge spiritual transformation while living in Flagstaff many years ago. Coming back to 跑马拉松 as the toughest version of myself was a beautiful experience. 我在赛跑的最后三英里时哭了. 对我来说,这是一个完整的循环.”


Callee世界的新成员是她的儿子Pax. Callee mentioned it had been a real challenge for her to train for the race for numerous reasons since giving birth to Pax five months earlier.


“跑马拉松一直是我遗愿清单上的首要任务. Birthing naturally without pain medication empowered me like nothing else before. I was five months postpartum with a pelvic organ prolapse and separated abdomen. 这当然是一个奇怪的时间重新开始跑步, but it was the best possible thing I could have done for my mental health at that time.”


Running was something Callee has done off and on since she was is in middle school, 但已经有13年没有参加竞选了.


“The day I officially signed up for the race I was googling couch to marathon in six months and was unable to run for longer than a minute without needing to stop and take a break.”


在母乳喂养的同时带着新生儿跑步是有挑战的. 凯丽必须在训练方案上有所创新. 虽然不理想,但对他们俩都有效.


“我的儿子帕克斯从出生起就一直是纯母乳喂养. 这使得长距离跑步具有明显的挑战性. I could never stray too far from our house just in case he needed a feed while I was running. This meant I ran hundreds of miles in my neighborhood and never stepped foot on a single trail. On long runs I would typically run for two hours and then circle back to my house to breastfeed Pax. 我会大量摄入一些电解质, 把帕克斯交给他爸爸,然后再继续走一两个小时.”


除了独特的训练计划, Callee was also dealing with postnatal injuries that created their own hardships and at times taught her how to laugh through the embarrassing moments.


“Diastasis recti is a condition where the muscles along the midline of your abdomen separate. The change in the connective tissue caused me to have pretty intense pelvic, hip and back pain. 我没有把重点放在加强我的核心力量上, 臀部和臀大肌,我当然付出了代价! A month before the race I developed severe IT band pain due to my weakened muscles. Three weeks leading up to the race I completely stopped running and focused on strength training, rolling out my hip flexors with a lacrosse ball and stretching like it was my day job.”


Callee and her running mate went as far as to create their own stickers for the marathon. The custom stickers were retro in design with the words Team Flush underlined in red and gold and a tag line that said “gotta go!,配上一卷卫生纸的图片.


“My teammate and I both experienced issues with needing to urgently use the restroom while training. 分娩后, I was diagnosed with a bladder prolapse which in turn caused me to pee in my pants while running sometimes. Luckily, we had a sense of humor about our struggles and decided that Team Flush fit us perfectly.”


那么,如何在马拉松训练时保持动力呢. For Callee it was the mission to tackle monumental goals that once seemed impossible.


“我想给我儿子树立一个努力工作的榜样, discipline and persistence will take you where you want to go even when the odds are stacked against you. 当我被怀疑的海洋淹没的时候, motivating forces pushed me to continue on despite the many challenges and hardships I faced throughout my marathon journey. Doubt is our worst enemy and the only way to overcome it is to silence your mind and simply keep going. 就是这么简单……. 你只要继续.”


Callee said her love for ponderosa pines and her spiritual connection to Flagstaff and its mountains will have her coming back.


“我一定会再次参加弗拉格斯塔夫马拉松比赛! 弗拉格斯塔夫将永远在我心中占据一个特殊的位置. It was a privilege to have the opportunity to be immersed in the magic of the Coconino Forest for 26.2 miles and be surrounded by the beautiful community that exists within Flagstaff.”




The Flagstaff Marathon is billed the “coolest” marathon in Arizona is a completely off-road course in the Coconino National Forest. At 8,海拔000英尺以上, 它被认为是全国最具挑战性的课程之一,半程要爬200英尺, 和2,400元整张.


The Flagstaff Marathon is a fundraiser for 威尼斯安卓版’s 基金会, 收益将用于支持CCC新启动的体育越野项目.


参赛者可以报名参加全程、半公里、一万公里或儿童一公斤. 登记 is now open for the 2023 Flagstaff Marathon to learn more or register visit,











  • 周一,27th 2023年3月