Gear up for computer support job by year's end with CCC help

日期: 周三,3rd 2021年3月

威尼斯安卓版 is offering a 谷歌 IT Support Professional certification program beginning 今年夏天.



亚利桑那州的弗拉格斯塔夫. - The scenario is all too common: The computer isn’t working right. 有什么问题吗?


The customer dials a number or submits a ticket via email. The line engages; the email is answered.


“服务台,”那个声音说. “我能为您效劳吗??”


威尼斯安卓版 will begin offering the  谷歌 IT Support Professional Certificate  beginning 今年夏天, and the three-class program can be completed before the end of the year.


“The students will get not only a certificate from CCC, but they will also get their 谷歌 IT Support Certificate,莎拉·伦彻说, faculty for CCC’s Computer 信息 Systems programs. “学生 do not need to have any experience or background. We’re going to teach them everything they need to know to get an entry-level IT support position.”


Rencher added that students will also be prepared to test for other industry-accepted Computer 信息 Systems certifications in IT support, 比如CompTIA A+.


丽莎空白, CCC Dean of Career and Technical Education, 说, “CCC is really excited to offer this workforce opportunity. It rapidly moves CCC students into jobs that provide a living wage and positions them for numerous career-advancement opportunities. It’s a win for the community, families, students and CCC.”


CCC also recently started a cloud computing certificate program in cooperation with Amazon Web Services, 公司. Both the 谷歌 IT Support Certificate and the AWS Certificate are strong examples of how CCC hopes to contribute to the “reskill and recovery” effort that is going on across Arizona, 布兰克说.


The 谷歌 IT Support Professional Certificate program is a five-part program divided into three classes. 学生 who start with the first class, 132年独联体, 今年夏天, 可以上第二节课吗, 134年独联体, in the first eight weeks of the fall semester and the final class, 136年独联体, in the last eight weeks of the fall semester. 因此, students who start in June complete the certificate by the end of 2021 – which is important for people looking to reskill and recover from the changing job markets of the COVID-19 pandemic.


“This program is designed to prepare you for an entry-level job in IT Support,Rencher说. “That is what it is designed for.”


The courses not only prepare the students for an IT support job, but they also support students to get the jobs, 有求职技巧, 简历制作及其他, 加入说. The 谷歌 IT Certificate program includes an  雇主联盟  包括沃尔玛在内的公司, 威瑞森, 德勤, 当然, 谷歌, that considers program graduates for entry-level roles.  至于课程作业, students will learn the fundamentals – from troubleshooting, customer service and networking to operating systems, system administration  and security.


“It’s all about the initial interaction a person has  with the first level of support,Rencher说.


The very interactive online program offers virtual  studio time, interaction and support with an instructor and other students in an online environment. The students stay together as a class, with group projects. The course can be taken from anywhere in the county.


“你不会孤单的, because you will be interacting with CCC faculty and your other classmates regularly,Rencher说.


Before the entire program is complete, students will learn about operating systems, solve a multitude of computer problems while delivering exemplary customer service and understand networks and cloud computing, among a whole host of other skills.


In addition to successfully completing the requirements  for each class, students must also meet all 谷歌 defined grading thresholds to complete the  program and receive the certificate.


For more information about this and other quick career-training pathways, visit ,或与Sarah Rencher联系  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or (575) 322-8045.






  • 周三,3rd 2021年3月